Admission Process

The following Admission Procedure should be followed by all candidates who have been allotted seats by Director of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai and Institute for admission to First Year (FE), Direct second year (DSE) of Engineering Degree.

Seat Acceptance by the candidate from their login by paying applicable seat acceptance fee to CET CELL/DTE and take printout of seat acceptance letter and visit to the allotted Institute.


Report to Admission Cell for Document Verification by designated competent Authority.


Pay the Adhoc/Interim/Final Fees as stipulated by Shikshan Shulka Samiti by Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Sanghavi College of Engineering “Payable at Nashik with other Fees.


Collect the Fee Payment Receipt from the Accounts Section/Admission Center after paying the fees.


Purchase/Obtain the Admission Form, Eligibility Form along with all Undertakings Formats from Admission Cell and fill the same.


Report to Concern Counter for Online Confirmation and generate the admission receipt from CET CELL/DTE Portal.


Submit all required documents and Admission Form to designated competent Authority for completion of Admission Process.

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